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Updated: Apr 27, 2022

Apologies for all the confusion which seems to have arisen as a result of transferring the management of our car park from SIP to the new operator, Smart Parking. Unlike SIP, SP employ an ANPR system, the efficiency of which was underestimated! There was also confusion about the date it was to 'go live'.

On behalf of our berth holders, customers and staff we have asked Smart Parking to draw a line under the process to date, regard it as a trial; scrap the PCN's issued to our own berth holders, staff and customers and start again going live properly next Monday 21st March.

Larger, more prominent signs reminding visitors that it Pay for Parking applies, will also be erected around the car park and entrances. It is recognised that some problems are still likely to occur which we will do our best to work with SP resolve as quickly and fairly as possible and would ask for your patience during this bedding down period.

In summary, the parking arrangements will work as follows: 1. Boat Owners who have a 'valid' Berthing Contract with the Company are entitled to park one domestic motor vehicle in the car parking areas. Motor homes and commercial vehicles which are larger than normal motor cars are not included and 'valid' means current and paid up to date. 2. The right to park a second vehicle may be granted (a) where vessels are in joint ownership and at least two of those owners are parties to the berthing contract, or (b) to a nominated member of the berth holder’s immediate family, or partner, for an additional fee of £240 pa, which can be paid either as an addition of £20 to the monthly berthing fee or, if paid in full in advance, will be reduced to £200pa. (c) Visitors : SP have also agreed to provide all berth holders 20 passes to enable visitors to park without charge for up to 24 hours in any 48 hour period by notifying them by email as far in advance as possible. ( 3. Bar and Restaurant Customers: an exemption is also given to bone fide customers of the bar and restaurant whose parking fee is reimbursed by a reduction in their spend on presentation of the parking receipt to serving staff. If you still have any concerns which you would like to discuss further please ring either the Marina Office during normal office hours and speak to Chloe on 07711959222 or

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