Dear all,
As you know we have been stung by an unfortunately high ppu with regards to our electricity contract which is due to come to an end in October.
We were advised by the broker that the discount provided by the Gov from Oct - April would be 0.21ppu. As our rate was set to 0.99ppu + VAT & CCL + standing charges, the resale price came out at 1.21ppu. With the discount of 0.21ppu, £1 per unit was set to the bollards and have remained at this rate to this date.
However, it came to our attention earlier in the year that the discount provided between October - April was not 0.21ppu, but in fact 0.39ppu. This means that there has been an overcharge between October - April of 0.18ppu.
On the back of this intel, we swiftly installed sub-meters on Coburg & Brunswick in order to get an actual usage reading from each dock. We would then document these readings each month over a three month period from the date of install (April 1st), to calculate the average usage. This average usage could then be split by the number of occupied serviced berths and the overcharge credited back to each berth holder.
Based on average consumption split by dock between April - June, the credit due back are as follows:
Total 11620kWh consumption between 1st April - 30th June.
11620kWh / 3 months = an average of 3870kwh per month
3870kwh x 0.18ppu = £696.60 per month
£696.60 / 75 occupied serviced berths = £9.28 per berth holder per month
£9.28 x 10 months (April - July) = £92.80 credit due each.
However, as mentioned above we did not amend the bollards from £1 to £1.21 in April to reflect the change in Gov support where the discount was removed therefore, 0.21ppu has been credited already between April – July.
0.21p x 3870kwh = £812.70 per month
£812.70 x 4 months (April - July) = £3250.80 / 75 berths = £43.34 credited per berth holder/
Therefore £92.80 overcharge - £43.34 already credited = £49.46 credit due back to each occupied berth holder on Coburg.
Please note this credit is applicable to all berth holders who held a contract before April 2023. No credit will be issued to any new berth holders post April 2023.
Total 3300kwh consumption between 1st April - 30th June.
3300 kwh / 3 months = an average of 1100kwh per month
0.18ppu x 1100 = £198 per month
£198 / 83 licenced serviced berths = £2.39 per berth holder per month
£2.39 x 10 months to July = £23.90 to be credited to each berth holder on Brunswick.
However, as mentioned above we did not amend the bollards from £1 to £1.21 in April to reflect the lack of discount therefore, 0.21ppu has been credited already.
0.21 x 1100kwh = £231
£231 x 4 months (April - July) = £924 / 83 occupied serviced berths = £11.13 credited already.
£23.90 - £11.13 = £12.77 due back to each berth holder on Brunswick.
Please note this credit is applicable to all berth holders who held a contract before April 2023. No credit will be issued to any new berth holders post April 2023.
Credits will be rounded up to £50 Coburg and £13 for Brunswick which we will apply to your bollards from the 1st of August. We will notify you with a photo of your credit applied once complete.
The bollards will be amended to reflect the correct unit price of £1.21 from the 1st August. This will remain in effect until 30th September 2023.
We apologise for the inconvenience and the impact this unfortunate situation has had on all of our pockets. However, we hope come October 1st to be able to offer a much more manageable ppu and to once and for all, turn the power off on this issue.
If you have any questions at all, please contact me personally at
Kind regards
Chloe Baker