As the Summer season arrives and with Covid likely to restrict our holidays to staycations only, many of you may be thinking about letting your boat out on Air B&B or similar sites or purchasing a new vessel for commercial use.
Whilst we support local businesses and can see the merit in operating a temporary stay-a-board operation from your vessel, there are several rules & policies you need to be aware of before you jump in.
1) The rate you pay for moorings will increase.
When working out the rates you are going to charge, it is worth knowing what it will cost you! Our commercial rate is 1.5 x the rate for your vessel. If you have a canal boat, that is 1.5 x £230 per meter, and any other vessel will be 1.5 x £385 per meter assuming you are operating from a serviced berth.
2) Having 'strangers' at the marina requires additional security measures.
a) You must advise us of any bookings 12 hours prior to
b) You must provide all guests with RED visitor lanyards. Lanyards are charged to you at £10 per lanyard so its best to ensure they return them back to you before they leave!
c) The access cards will be terminated after 1 week. You must attend the office to have them re-registered on a weekly basis.
d) All guests must sign in & out in at the marina reception guest book
e) Any guests who fail to produce their lanyard when asked by any member of staff or third party security will be evicted immediately.
3) No noise permitted
We have a zero noise rule after 8pm within the marina. You will need to make your guests aware of this and highlight the consequences of breaking this rule which are;
a) Police have their own access now and are permitted to remove any electricity cables without notice and remove all guests from the boat and the marina grounds.
b) A fine of £280.00 will be applied to your account for each occasion any disturbances are attended to. That includes from Police, NWMS or Nest247. After three occasions, your commercial contract will be terminated, your access restricted and you may be asked to leave. We recommend you charge your guests a damage deposit to cover this cost should it occur.
4) Non-disclosure of commercial lets is costly...
Operating a commercial let within our Marina without our knowledge not only is inconsiderate to other berth holders for security reasons, but can be very costly. Online checks are ran monthly as well as inside activity reports which will highlight any commercial activity eventually. Once we are alerted, the commercial rate is applied and backdated to the start of your original contract. Failure to pay this amount will result in our agreement and access being cancelled and you will be asked to leave with a hefty legal bill to follow.
It is always better to engage us prior to starting a commercial let as so we can help protect you and protect our other berth holders in the process. The measures we have implemented are there to ensure that our berth holders can operate a commercial let should they wish, but safely and with consideration of our other berth holders.
If you would like to start a commerical let from the marina or would like to disclose an existing commercial let, please email